I see that is to much turtorials on net and every one is doing his way. Ok so when i will code CCC to e60 VOs, than my new CCC will first of all show all options that my car have there will be no false options even if they are now selected in CCC from e8x? Thats even beter and corect way as you mentioned. Once you have done this, then you can tweak settings for a specific users. Once you code the CCC to your VO the CCC automatically knows all the options in your car and codes it correctly for those options. It is a list of all options on the vehicle.

Once done the CCC should be coded to your specific vehicle order.

The correct way is to default code all parts of the CCC with an expert mode profile and SG_CODIEREN. I also saw turtorial when guy said that there is no matter wich profile you use? So what this profiles does? So i saw guides on youtube for ncs expert how to do it but i need to change also vin of the unit and i saw that some guides are that vin need to be changed first, others change vin at last and i am wondering what happen if i dont change vin how this influence in work of ccc? I will change win in BMW dash it seems easy program,less complicated than winkfpĪnd also when i saw turtorials for ncs expert under profiles nobody had the same profiles and everyone uses their own. On youtube i saw that i need to change in trc file under klima_sg_art_ccc, basic to high and i think i can do this. I need to code new ccc on my e60 which is from another car e90 and the cars didnt have similar functions on cars so few functions dont work now in e60 such as seat heating and air distribution control.